As a travel agency in Miami, we’re often asked about Cuba. And finally, with the lifting of the 1960 U.S. embargo, American tourists can more easily visit. It’s a great time to start planning a trip for this winter or spring (December through May) to avoid hurricane season.
Since many aspects of the island are unspoiled by modernization, visiting Cuba is like going back in time. The only cars legally owned by Cuban citizens date back to the 1950s, there is limited Internet service, and you’ll find no American fast food restaurants or retail chains.
The best way to explore Cuba will be by sea on one of several upscale cruise lines that will begin sailing there later this year. You’ll travel and sleep in world-class comfort aboard a luxury ship or private yacht, as hotel options in Cuba are basic and limited. Then disembark at various ports to tour cigar factories, sugar cane plantations and discover the history, music and arts of both indigenous and Spanish cultures.
But make sure to plan your trip soon, before tourism takes over and Cuba becomes more commercially developed. This country won’t remain undiscovered for long!
Insider Tip: Dine al fresco in a garden setting featuring peacocks and ocean views at the Hotel Nacional in Havana. Travel an hour south to visit Las Terrazas, an eco-village and biosphere reserve protected by UNESCO.
Fun fact: Ballerinas are so popular and highly regarded in Cuba that they earn more than doctors!